Will Bush make his goal before the Midterm Elections in November?

As of today, the best figures I have (I averaged the media numbers with the official military numbers) are as follows:
2,973 killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
2,948 killed in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars.
A very sad "memorial" is just ahead of us and the neocon team is out in strength this week urging people to demand with their votes in November that yet more of our sons and daughters be killed as "justice" for those who died on 9/11.
I'm reminded of the slogan that a wounded-in-Vietnam John Kerry used as an anti-war demonstrator after he left the military so many aeons ago ... "Who wants to be the last one to die before we finally pull out?"
Redeploying our troops out of harm's way in the ongoing Civil Wars in the Middle East is not cutting and running! It's simply stopping the hideous numbers from climbing before the inevitable result (whatever we do) comes to be ... in its own time.
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