What next? The Sears Tower? The Port of Seattle? A Tigers game in Detroit?

The current course for protecting the "where" against the "what" is to democratize the Middle East through continued occupation and war with troops dying in hard-to-pronounce named cities with “al” in front of them in “totalitarian” countries – except those totalitarian regimes whom we depend upon for oil (i.e., The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, etc.) – and to continue to hope and pray that the Internet and the global reach of our televised American Idol finals will weaken Jihadism before it (again) reaches one of our major cities. All this while admitting that it is no more than a waiting game.
We have been told over and over again – with increasing intensity every two years as elections approach – that there will be another 9/11. “It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when” are the words that come from the White House and the Pentagon again and again
Maybe … just maybe … we should think about beefing up our military at home – where this attack about which they are warning us – is likely to occur.
I will gladly take off my shoes before boarding an airplane whenever I go to Lake Tahoe (not likely again in this lifetime) or elsewhere, if it deters terrorists who are already on our soil; but I’d feel a tad safer if our armies were deployed in defense of our cities and infrastructure rather than infuriating the Muslims worldwide (remember why Osama attacked us on 9/11 – because we had troops stationed in his beloved Middle East – near the Holy Places – near which they really weren’t even that close, in my opinion ) with costly – in lives and money – wars in the Middle East.
It doesn’t take 150,000 troops to reach Tora Bora in Afghanistan too late and then continue to stand between the war lords and the Talaban there - and then to invade and occupy Iraq – not even involved with 9/11, according to our President – to catch one tall bearded fundamental and radical Muslim with terminal kidney disease and requiring dialysis and his senior cadre.
Not in my opinion anyway! (Just the opinion of one old man with a PC and a little time on his hands before the college starts its Fall Term.)
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