Pope Benedict learning the meaning of "politically incorrect"

By the way, a very devout Muslim in Saudi Arabia said that Muhammad's youngest wife was not nine; she was eleven -- or at least that they didn't have conjugal relations until she was eleven. Also, he took her as a wife because she had lost her parents or something like that. I don't remember the exact story as regards why he married her.
And further, he reminded me that Muhammad had a total of eleven wives and the older ones often looked after the younger ones. His charity towards these women and girls is often misunderstood by Westerners and other non-Muslims.
There are excellent books about the Quran that carefully soften the tone of the Quran as written in Arabic, and it's these books that Pope Benedict should read should he want to avoid being the target of a Fatwah. The Muslims with whom I spoke about Muhammad in Saudi Arabia, for example, made it clear that Muhammad never had more wives than were necessary by the many-to-one ratio of women (girls) to men worldwide.
Mohammad Al Reeshi, a fine young officer in the Royal Saudi Air Force made a strong point of the fact that the one-to-one ratio between the sexes promulgated by Western propaganda was just that -- misleading propaganda. (And on this, I am not kidding!) He said that the current ratio is roughly four women for every one man worldwide.
In any event, Pope Benedict (below right) saw the error of his ways and apologized for quoting an obscure Byzantine emperor from medieval times in a recent speech. Muhammad was certainly not someone who introduced "evil and inhuman" teachings to Muslims. The beheadings of Pakistanis (mostly Pakis while I was there) in Saudi Arabia are supported by Republicans and other more conservative persons even in the West and multiple marriages (by men only) in some Western religions over the centuries give credibility to his prophetic insights. Even today, in America, there are small non-Muslim towns in the West that subscribe to multiple wives.
Islam's thesis that Christians and Jews are too soft in their treatment of sin is a main thesis of the current neocons who let all Hell break out in Iraq after the wonderful night of Shock and Awe, for instance.

"These words were, in fact, a quotation from a medieval text which do not reflect my personal thoughts" Pope Benedict stated over this past weekend. "I hope that this serves to appease hearts and to clarify the true meaning of my address."
Unfortunately, several have died since he made the unfortunate statement/quote, including one Roman Catholic nun in a hospital in Somali -- an act of genuine peace by members of Islam, the Religion of Peace. That nun is at "perfect peace" today with Our Lord. It's a matter of "understanding" of the peace and beauty of Islam that is needed more than anything in these troubled times.
by showing the 1% hatred people you want to make a demonstration of what is Islam?
why the pop was caring so much to mistreat a religion and not shut up? is it innocent? i don't think so.
what about christian being peace? did you see the movie "the last temptation of Christ"? can we think large and maybe jesus was not so good? why he was mistreating commerce and not soldiers?
what about the history of christian especially in my country where all cathares were killed, burned? and the muslims killed in arabia during crusades by fanatics? not speaking about the jews far more killed by christians than muslims.
what about the prophet being with 11 yo girl? now it is horrible. but in his time? in france until 17th the parents themselves were right to have relation with children and most countries in europe did! horrible yes i agree but let's think about the history and the people in these times.
what i can only see these days: two hatred part of the world: some anti muslim fanatics and some muslim fanatics... all give a hell to the world and especially to the muslims. ok you were living in the worst country for islam laws. for me just fake laws. it is very important in islam to change and think by ourselves not follow rules. But strangely the good parts are forgotten. Just i worry we are falling in the trap of war and hatred.
and about the medieval text it is funny to use this reference! very funny! what a good picture he gives! here people are shared between "pop is ridiculous" and what could hear my wife today "i'm not going to say anything about islam otherwise you will complain" (that they were saying totally something else).
and the beauty of islam, is the beauty of humanity. my wife is praying for godness and she is not praying for people to die! like most muslims and christians and jews. hopefully.
sorry i forgot to be polite :(
take care
le Rouge et le Noir -
Don't apologize! You spoke your mind truthfully and forcefully.
My point is that the Pope was only trying to speak his ... just as the Muslims in Saudi Arabia (conservative Muslims, yes!) spoke theirs to me.
We should all have no fear in speaking -- or, like the Pope, reading what was actually on his own mind ... without fear. Clearly his apology was a reaction to his own fear of a fatwah being placed against him by some Muslim group -- more than one, I understand.
For your wour wife, who is a Muslim but doesn't follow the doctrine of the Quran, it is much better -- just as it is for me, who call myself a Christian but who doesn't follow all of what's in the Bible.
Point is, we should feel much more freely to speak and read as we please, without fear of being shot, stabbed or beheaded.
Most Muslims are like most Christians; persons who don't follow the teachings or actions of Muhammad, but feel comfortable with the faith of their parents and countrymen anyway.
That's all I was trying to point out with my (admittedly) sarcastic posting.
i agree with you we should not fear speaking ... but . yes there is a but in my advice. some people, some cultures don't share the same ideas. Even if i disagree with the purpose why he was saying it (and especially using an old reference) and why to say it in these terrible times. please understand the pope as well is not like you and me. for exemple, i really dislike the russian policy or the french lies, but if i was doing politics or if i was representative, i would be diplomatic. for exemple considering the russia i would say something like "russia is a great country full of history. the times are terrible, economically ....". for christians i would not cry "please excuse for murders during crusades" or "these people who kill iraqis and pray for jesus". you understand? we should avoid the hatred
about my wife she follows quran in the way i explained to you. quran is opened book not written by prophet but prophet said that you should not follow without thinking, without using your mind. i was just writing about it in my blog in french. someone was speaking about sartre and misunderstood his philosophy. it is very important to control yourself, your responsablities, then your freedom ... exactly like for quran. of course if you ask me i would say some parts of quran are bullshit like bible (i was reading parts when i was young as i said you i was catholic)... forget about it think someone else wrote it and make your own ideas of good in respect with the "general phisolophy" of quran/bible. they were humans who were writing after the death of prophet
whatever still nice to read your posts :)
le Rouge et le Noir -
True, both the Bible and the Quran -- and the Pope's comments -- can easily be misunderstood, or bertter yet, understood differently by each and every peson who reads them.
How do you interpret the verses in Sura 5 that suggest that Muslims "take not Christians or Jews as your friends or protectors; they are but friends and protectors of themselves"?
Can we be friends (although I am a Christian)? I hope so.
MWN (Joe)
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