Who next? Himself? Dick Cheney? Condi? Rummy? Gonzales?

Who will be the next to receive the Medal of Freedom (our highest award)? The excellent op-ed by Bernard Weiner gives some ideas. Surely 2600-plus dead and another 20,000 wounded in Iraq is worth something ... and oh yes, who should get the Medal of Freedom for the mishandling of katrina? ... or for the crimes committed vis-a-vis the recent Supreme Court decision on torture and extended incarceration at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib? ... or for the even more recent decision by the Honorable Anna Diggs Taylor vis-a-vis warrantless surveillance? ... or for the intelligence leaks that were the "payback" to Valerie Plame for her husband's op-ed piece? etc., etc., etc.
No need for me to write a thing. The pictures below tell it all ... These are for the War on Terror which we (apparently) are winning.

It is absolutely heart breaking what George Bush Jr has done to the American people.
orhan kahn -
I thoroughly agree (I think), but we may be getting exactly what we deserve on our side of the ocean. By the way -- if it's allowable (not too politically incorrect) to ask, from where do you hail?
MWN (Joe)
I am Australian, though I was born in Turkey with purely Kurdish blood.
Strange mix to say the least.
orhan khan -
Perhaps it's strange, but I think it's great that you are getting "round" the world.
MWN (Joe)
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