A scary combo ... (now I'm saying, "be afraid!")

1. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated, that he would "sacrifice half of Iran for the sake of eliminating Israel"
2. Today's word from senior sources within the IDF (Israeli defense Forces) is that the growing consensus is that "the US will not attack Iran and thus, Israel might be forced to act independently to stop the Iranian Islamic Republic from obtaining nuclear weapons"
As most of you who follow this blog's postings know, I believe that that would be the worst of all scenarios -- even worse than a unilateral US attack on Iran's nuclear facilities -- almost certainly leading to a sizeable Islamic force (which countries, I wouldn't even try to guess) taking on Israel.
Where that goes, I don't like to conjecture ... except that we can be sure that the US would not remain aloof.
Just a couple of items from today's Jerusalem Post ....
1) So would you support the Bush Administration to pre-emptively attack Iran?
2) If no, What if the U.N. requests action?
Samuel -
Whatever, I would not want the US playing the Lone Ranger
Why not allow Iran to develop some form of Nuclear power? Sanctions would be sufficient to keep their fingers out of weapons grade enrichment, I would think.
MWN (Joe)
Those are some fighting words!
sage -
Only to "wipe" its name off of the map; probably wants to change its name to Judah so that Jesus could rightly be called the "Lion of Judah." Many have misinterpreted his words o mean he wants to destroy God's chosen people -- which, of course, he would never mean.
MWN (Joe)
That last comment was a joke ... a JOKE! Okay ... it was just meant to be silly ... a JOKE!!
MWN (Joe)
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