I'm sure that Molly would say, "No!"

Although I decided not to call my brother, Richard in Connecticut, tonight to check this out ... I'm sure that he and Molly (above) would both agree with me that George Bush should not be tried for war crimes along with Saddam Hussein -- as was suggested this week by Benjamin Ferencz, a chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes trials following World War II.
Specifically, Ferencz reminded us all that "Nuremberg declared that aggressive war is the supreme international crime." He believes that Bush's preemptive invasion of Iraq (for no reason) in 2003 qualified under provisions set forth when the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in 2002 -- already ratified by more than 100 countries.

Of course, he believes that Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait back in 1990 also qualifies as a "war crime" under the same provisions, even if he was led to believe that he could get away with it after conversations with our (then) Ambassador to Iraq.

Still, I don't think -- and I think that both Richard and Molly would agree with me -- that Mr. Bush's crimes should warrant no more than a painless impeachment, whereas Mr. Hussein should spend his remaining days behind bars.
Oh, I should mention that I don't believe in Capital Punishment and thus, would not want either Saddam Hussein or George W. Bush to be hanged ... no matter how many innocent civilians have died as a result of their respective wars.
A little note of interest is that on May 6, 2002 -- less than a year before the US invaded Iraq -- the Bush Administration withdrew its signature on the ICC Treaty ... and then ... three months later, President Bush signed a law prohibiting "any U.S. cooperation with the International Criminal Court."
I wonder how many little laws or agreements slip through like this without even 0.5% of the American population (including me!) knowing anything about it.
[Now we all know why we didn't put Saddam Hussein on trial for his invasion of Kuwait back in the 1990s.]
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