Thursday, August 24, 2006

Molly is concerned about the direction that Iran may be going ...

Molly in 1995 ... or thereabouts

With my old photos, one never knows ... but I believe that this has to be of Molly when I was in Ann Arbor, whatever year that might have been. Richard: What year did I visit you in Ann Arbor -- or was this taken when I visited you in Trumbull (the library)?

Whatever, it looks to Molly like both Russia and China will go along with tough sanctions (being written by neocons buried in our State Department) and that Iran is quite likely to reply with some very serious oil embargo. And that could set our economy on its head for a short while anyway. How long Iran might extend the embargo is questionable -- as is the possibility that either the US or Israel will take out Iran's growing nuclear capability, or at least their ability to produce weapons grade (enriched) uranium.

And after that? What then, Molly?

Richard: I have this picture also, but it doesn't have a label except "after she took him for a walk!" Do you recognize the tile or linoleum flooring?


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Me said...

Aww, how cute is that!

Love the topic header, I lol'd.

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

orhan kahn -

What do you think is ahead vis-a-vis the growing tensions between the US and Iran?

I love dogs, but am currently overrun with cats and raccoons.

MWN (Joe)

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Me said...

To be honest, it would be suicide for either nation to attempt to dis-arm or attack the other.

Living in Australia I have the luxury to sit back and watch the world spin into kaos, until it reaches my shore.

I'm not being naive or ignorant but I have little tolerance to what the US and the Islamic world.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Orhan Khan -

And I even less than you! You are right on!


MWN (Joe)


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