Safeco Tower to become part of UW (this posting is only for those who even know what "Safeco" is ... or was ...)

Of all of my "tours of duty," none was as easy -- or as hard -- as my last one in Seattle when I joined the IT Education Directorate at Safeco in the "Tower" for my last five years in civilization before Mike McGavick (running against Maria Cantwell for her US Senate seat this fall) closed down the entire Directorate and then I allowed myself the humility or honor (I know not which, really) of remaining on as the last instructor left there at Safeco so as to be the remaining soul on that floor to stack and box the books, desks and other teaching paraphernalia before turning out the lights in the empty rooms that would no longer be used as classrooms -- or so I thought!
How Ironic! The same university, from which my eldest daughter received her Ph.D., might use those same classrooms that I cleaned out before moving to the ocean as real classrooms again. I wonder ...
Anyway, let's win back the US Senate (and the US House too!) and "retire" Mr. McGavick (actually, a very nice person) to a cabin at the ocean! We could use a guy like Mike to teach Political Science classes at Grays Harbor College. LOL!!
I do wonder how the university will undo the huge "SAFECO" that is carved into the concrete at the top of the tower and can be read from miles away down I-5 into Seattle. Look closely at the photo above and you can read the word "SAFECO" at the top of the tower.
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