Guess what the Interior Department is about to do .... just after the BP problems with corroded pipes?

There's not really much to add to the picture above, is there? It might be mentioned that the new oil drilling will be in environmentally sensitive wetlands ... and that tens of thousands of acres are included in the leases that will be offered ... which are nearby Lake Teshekpuk on Alaska's North Slope. I take better care of the raccoons who live under my front porch!
The Sierra Club and other environmentalists won't argue that there is likely lots of oil under the coastal lagoons, river deltas and sedge grass meadows (but not that much oil, to be realistic) ... it's only that this is an area wherein caribou give birth to their calves ... and oh yes, it's also an area to which geese migrate to molt.
Al Gore! Where are you when we need you? ... And that's in the White House ready to put a stop to the Bushies program to wreck our beloved earth!
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