Call me a "Dean Democrat"! Fine by me ...

Okay ... now I'm a "Dean Democrat" (Cheney's words for persons who supported Ned Lamont last week), according to our Vice President who had been doing a good job of staying out of the limelight for some time.
Howard Dean is one of the finest Democrats we have in the party and it's time we returned a salvo or two at "Bird-shot" Cheney while he's basking in the glow of the latest capture of a terrorist -- this time a woman suffering from claustrophobia (previous posting).
Senator Kennedy said it really quite well in his latest email, "No one should fall into the Republican trap of saying that disengagement is defeat. The truth is the opposite; disengagement is part of the solution in Iraq. Our overwhelming presence and our open-ended military commitment are part of the problem."
It's not too difficult to see how poorly we are protecting our ports and borders -- and nabbing the Al-Qaida cells around our country while so much of our energy is taken up managing an occupation that we had under control pretty well before March of 2003. Note that it was the British police and not tanks and F-16s that caught the "liquid bombers" last week. That was the war on terror.
One other solution is shown in the photograph below (must have been taken after Cheney was practicing his terrorist-shooting while hunting birds raised in cages.) At least Cheney would be out of the limelight and we could all go back to "being afraid" while keeping track of what terrorist alert level (color) we're at today.

[Note to my brother, Richard in Connecticut: Yes, some of our fellow Democrats say and do things that are not "politically correct," but we have to be careful to stand up for right no matter what or how persons like Cynthia McKinney, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich and Nancy Pelosi -- or Mediawingnuts -- express themselves in trying to get our country on the correct course.]
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