Plame flame burns more dimly ... however ...

Yes, you're right! That glass candle holder is a (seemingly) sleeping cat ... named Patrick Fitzgerald! Purrrr ...
True, the war/occupation in Iraq and now, the Middle East crisis brought on by Israel's disproportionate response against Hezbollah -- and Lebanon -- to the capture of two of its soldiers two weeks ago ... has put the CIA leak case onto the back burner, or so it seems. But we should all recall that what precipitated the Valerie Plame identity leak was the uncovering (by her husband) of the deception that led us into the invasion of Iraq in the first place ... and subsequently led Israel into feeling it had the "green light" from the US to smash Lebanon into the Middle Ages.
But ...

Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald isn't finished yet! It's not a foregone conclusion that Scooter Libby will be found "not guilty" next year, nor has the "primary source" for Robert Novak's "Mission to Niger" column been named ... yet. Surely, Judith Miller (former New York Times reporter) didn't spend 90 days in jail for nothing, did she? And why, we might ask, is Patrick Fitzgerald keeping the Special Grand Jury "alive"?
It's clear to me that the only reason that a special prosecutor would keep a "leak case" dragging on is if he had an ace up his sleeve ... a BIG ace! Forget Valerie Plame's (and her husband, Joe Wilson's) suit brought against Libby, Rove and Cheney ... and ten unnamed others!
It's Fitzgerald who is the key to this case.
Yes, he's a Republican, but watch for an "October surprise" from the Special Prosecutor's office that might just allow the predictions that I made some postings ago come to fruition -- despite GWB's rising poll numbers in recent days.
We can only hope...
Serenissima -
Yes! But hope springs eternal, they say ... and God is on our side, right? :-)
MWN (Joe)
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