No room on the plane for Condi

I will post my analysis of Pat Buchanan's take (which matches Pope Benedict XVI's take) on the entire situation and the belief by many neocon-Christians (an oxymoron) that suggests that the support of Israel will hasten the "End days" and the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ -- and a bunch of other things that, in my opinion, would better be left to God's timing.
But OWOTO, we are getting into this mess deeper and deeper ...
Sage -
At least according to the NYT, they are the 5K-ers! I agree that they are a bit large for precision bombing of point targets like rocket launchers (in South Lebanon) and/or mortars (in Gaza), but what the blazes are we sending any munitions that-a-way at this particular time?
Poor Condi, if she really wants to broker a "cease fire."
MWN (Joe)
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