I saw
An Inconvenient Truth this afternoon and am truly frightened -- not for myself, but for my children and grandchildren. To say that the movie is inspirational isn't enough. It's FACT! I never thought I'd see a movie that focused on charts, graphs, numbers and science in its purest form. As a mathematician, engineer and former Chief Scientist for the US Air Forces in Europe -- from England to Turkey, although I was stationed at Ramstein AFB in Germany (not bragging, but credibility seems to be important these days), I believe that I am qualified to state that the sources used and quoted by Al Gore in this marvelous movie were of the
very highest caliber. It's real!
Al Gore's "slide show" brought both the human element front and center as well as the dire consequences for the entire earth if we don't take his suggestions seriously -- and soon!

From droughts to floods, from hurricanes to epidemics caused by Global Warming, Vice President Gore let it all hang out, so to speak. And hang out, it surely does. The scenes of glaciers crumbling and of the ice melting literally beneath both the Antarctica and Greenland (to name the two most serious concerns) was perhaps the most dramatic part of the presentation -- and I was glad that he used a cartoon drawing of the polar bear as it was unable to find a floating sheet of ice before giving up and (in animation) drowning. I'm an animal lover and even the animation almost brought tears to my eyes.
In particular, the correlation between the spike (from about 1980 until 2005) of both carbon dioxide and average global temperatures was scary enough to make me gasp aloud. To make this part of the argument simple: think of trees as breathing in (using) carbon dioxide so that fewer trees means more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Please see this movie and tell your friends to see it too.
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