Where's Wisconsin on this map?

During this past week (like as recently as yesterday), Glenn Beck has been carefully tying Islam to the Antichrist described in the New Testament. He even had a side-by-side comparison of the Antichrist and the "12th Imam" or "Mahdi" (terms Beck uses interchangeably to describe the figure many Muslims believe will guide believers in the end times) on his chalkboard.
And to help Beck discuss this connection, Beck hosted Joel Richardson, an anti-Muslim activist who says that Satan will use Islam "to fulfill the prophesies of the Bible" and has written a column headlined "What Obama and the Antichrist have in common."
And now, he is linking Wisconsin to the turmoil in the Middle East.
Lord love a duck!
But I've assuaged my Wisconsin relatives' worst fears (that this crackpot, Glenn Beck might be right) with a careful assessment of the capabilities of Israeli nuclear-tipped missiles should Egypt, Syria, Wisconsin and Iran gang up on Israel.
Israel's missiles would fall short--maybe making it to Manhattan, but very little further.
The problem I have with this segment is that Beck has omitted facts so crucial that no one who has researched this topic could have possibly missed them. The first is that the "Mahdi" in the Islamic texts of hadith is the ally and supporter of Jesus Christ after his return. The second is that the Antichrist is named in Islamic texts and is a completely different person: "Dajjal".
I would contend that Beck and his guests are fully aware of this information and are deliberately misleading their audience.
You've made me look up a thing or two. Thanks!
But don't count on Beckomaniacs being aware of much of anything--including 75% of what their Mormon Messiah ya-de-da-da's daily. And I'm not opposed to Beck's or anyone else's Momonism--
I even think they are correct to wear bulletproof longjohns and remind us to hoard food for the upcoming inflation--a likelihood in ten or fifteen years probably.
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