Why in Heaven's name did God create FLEAS?

Thus far, my weapons include flea traps (ugh! the flea paper sticks to your hands when you go to change it), flea powder (caused a rash on Rosie's back), flea/baby/Dawn Liquid Dish Detergent shampoo (kills nothing and makes Rosie cry even louder), garlic in dog's and cats' food (dog and two of the cats now fart under my covers), and a variety of chemicals that make me Ocean Shores' absolute expert on those chemicals that absolutely DON'T WORK!
I also bought a flea killing Fogger (a.k.a. fumigator), but haven't the foggiest idea how to get my seven cats and tiny dog out of the house for three hours of "fogging" plus an hour to de-fog the fogging agent with fans and non-existent air conditioning. Problem is exacerbated by the fact that I live on a sand bar (for all practical purposes) and sand fleas thrive on/in the peninsula of Ocean Shores.
After the past several days, I look back on George W. Bush's "War on Terror" during the first decade of this millennium with absolute fondness. And, in that regard, my own--and my dog's and my cats' "War on Fleas" has me about to the point to resorting to nuclear weapons.
At this point in time I'm broke, haven't slept for days, am unemployed and all of my pets now hate me ...
Any ideas?
My vet told me that dog fleas are different than (from?) cat fleas. Have you checked with your vet re: possible solutions.
Yes! The vet gave me the same littany of "cures" [sic] that I have been using. She thought it was the "cat" fleas which she recalled are the sand fleas that we ALL are infested with in OS.
Bro Joe
Dear Uncle Joe,
My lovely owner feels guilty that I left a comment on Sweetie's blog and not yours.
I am sorry about your fleas. I hope your animals don't have them too.
You know Joe since you know everything, I will never, never,ever tell you anything about what to do for your dog or cats again, because my friend has been doing these things for her cats and dogs for years and it has always worked and you got the wrong dawn, the one you should of got was regular dawn like I told you, but you did not listen as usual and you got ultra, which is too strong for your dog, which rosie is still a baby and you had already put some flea spray on which made her yelped, because I am sure you probably used too much. I think you need to watch how you talk to people, because it is not very nice the way you push peoples buttons on purpose and hurt them by your wrong attitude towards them. Because I child of God would not do that to some one that loves the Lord like I do. But since I forgive you the way I should, I will let "GOD" do the rest and keep my mouth shut, because I am always wrong in your opinion. From LMT
I do love the Lord, LMT, but I still HATE FLEAS!
And yes, I did accidentally get and use Ultra Dawn Liquid Detergent. I will get "regular" Dawn tomorrow and phone you to let you know.
1 cup of Dawn dish washing liquid and 1 cup of vinegar...in a small tub of water should do the trick .
My chicken seems to have fleas so my first reaction was to give it an enema and now i need to go buy windshield wipers because my brakes aren't working so that must mean i need more gas in my barbeque and now i'm on my way to my local antique shop to purchase an Iphone and then to my local Mcdonalds to buy a Whopper so i can have the energy to clean the mess that was made with the chicken/Enema fusion but before that i need to get an oil change because my blinkers aren't working
I understand the predicament you are going through Mr. McHugginstuff but it probably has something to do with your ridiculous last name like really, "McHugginstuff"? It sounds like one of those goofy names that you would put on a fake I.D so try changing your last name and then you wont be so mentally impaired
Now listen boy lemme tell you who bout mentally impaired imma have momma hit ya upside da head wif a skillet and knock da flees of ya big bug head boy and thats how you dem dere get rid of dem flees okay mistah chase. now lemme go get a new a new mattress cuz ma teevee aint turnin on
Hello my name is Gurkeerat Singh and i work in the 7/11 in the city of Compton and I generously ask where do you buy this enema from because my camel has these so called fleas and I see the fleas all around the buttocks area of my camel and i am in great fear that the fleas will transport from my camel to my donkey no if you will please reply i will supply free Slurpee with a purchase of over 35 American Dollars
Hello Gur key rat now i reckon i bought ma enema from da thrift shop it wuz some what used but for 50 cents it was worf it i hope you enjouy this infomatin mr sing now if i come down to compton i aint spendin no 35 dollas to get my slushee so you better hand that slushee over or mistah chase wont be the only one wif a skillet upside duh head
Thank You Come Again
I don't believe it! I was asking Google about fleas and ran into my own blog posted almost three years ago. And guess what? I found my answer.
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