Sen. Patty Murray Wins fourth Term Here in the Wonderful State of Washington!!!

Not everything was as bad as my previous posting suggests.
Democrat Patty Murray has won a fourth term to the U.S. Senate. Only a couple of hours ago, her Republican challenger, Dino Rossi, finally conceded the race after new vote totals showed Murray widening her lead.
Frankly, I think she would make a marvelous candidate for President in 2012 should Barack decide to step aside. I truly want to see a new, stronger and feistier Barack Obama win in 2012, but Patty Murray has EVERYTHING it takes to be a great leader.
I think Patty in 2016 is a wonderful idea! BTW, so glad you've gotten over your Sarah Palin crush and are gravitating toward a worthwhile candidate. ;->
Yes, Patty Murray is an ideal candidate from today's perspective for the Democrats in 2016. My mention of 2012 is that the (God forbid!) fates of presidents (JFK) and near-presidents (Bobby) who have moved in directions contrary to the desires of the CIA, industrial-military complex and others who believe that "America" is synonimous with "Corporate-America has not been encouraging."
Patty should be ready to stand up to challenges as they come--and yes, that could be as early as 2012.
I should read what I key in bebore publishing. Obviously, some of the punctuation, like the closing quote were moved when I added words here and there.
bebore is properly spelled b-e-f-o-r-e. Maybe I should write novels for a few years, whatcha say, Serenissima? :()
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