Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yes, we should all pray for our President and our country ... and our planet and ALL of its inhabitants!

As most of us became aware earlier today, President Obama had his first meeting with the Reverend Billy Graham this morning, stopping at the Blue Ridge Mountains retreat of the 91-year old super-evangelist on his way to West Virginia to eulogize the 29 coal miners who died there.

Quoting from the White House spokesman,
"The President had a private prayer and conversation with Rev. Graham; he (President Obama) is extraordinarily gratified that he took the time to meet with him."

Graham issued a statement after the meeting, saying
"I am pleased to have had President Obama in my home this afternoon. I want to encourage Christians everywhere to pray for our president and for all those in positions of authority and especially for the men and women serving in our military."

Mediawingnuts can't add much to that, but I believe our prayers should also go out to all of those (civilians, military, enemy or ally) suffering in the wars that our tax dollars help to sustain -- particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Evil? Good? Who are we mere mortals to judge?


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