Saturday, May 01, 2010

If it were an active volcano, we'd be 100% better off!

British Petroleum's oil rig burning in the Gulf of Mexico -- and spewing at least 50,000 barrels of oil per day aimed at our sea life, wildlife, Gulf beaches and ... our health! Yeh, oil evaporates into the air ... kinda like water, except toxic to birds and mammals including some endangered species who are going to be even more concerned with getting liquid oil out of their feathers, fur and (oh yes) their eyes, ears, tongues, beaks, teeth, nostrils, etc.

And this evening--even as the spill is reaching the shores of Louisiana, the White House Correspondents’ Association annual dinner is (to the best of my knowledge) coming to its conclusion with President Obama making the guests giggle uncontrollably after having eaten what may well be the last of the Gulf Shrimp for several weeks, months or even years and while wiping their mouths with recycled paper napkins.

This year's WHCA Dinner has been touted as the "greenest ever."

What's wrong with this picture?

Personally, I think that the guests should be given coupons for as many cases of recycled paper napkins as they think might be required to clean up this latest disgusting affront to Mediawingnuts' sensitivities. They should be told to get their butts down to Louisiana and Mississippi forthwith and begin by helping to wipe the oil from the water fowl, pelicans, turtles, humans and countless others of God's beautiful creations who are being overwhelmed by this disaster. They may just need more than their recycled paper napkins, but we can worry about that tomorrow.

Fossil fuels strike again!

Mother Earth edges closer yet to becoming the sewer that seems to be required of it for companies like Exxon, British Petroleum, Shell Oil, etc. to stuffing even more billions of dollars into their money vaults--airtight and maybe unsoiled by whatever pollutants (coal dust or oil for starters) are required to be produced for maximum profits.

And did anyone notice how quiet the four Republican governors of four of the five states making up the Gulf's US coastline have been the past four days? (Only Louisiana's governor--a Democrat--asked for help during the first 24 hours after the explosion.) Or how quiet Sarah Palin ("Drill Baby, Drill!") and the Tea Parties have been about the need for "Big Bad Government" to step in and work with the more directly related culprits (i.e., Big Oil in general) to both stop the damage from spreading and ... (hush) saying what surely is in the backs of even the minds [sic] of the bobble-heads holding the disgraceful placards at those Tea Parties ... yes, the words,



At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly believe that they need to do something about those birds and fowls that are getting hurt from all that oil they are spilling out there and they need to get off of their lazy rear ends and do it fast, Have a caring and loving heart!!! for all God's creatures.

From LMD of Ocean Shores

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news is very upsetting about the oil spill. What a huge disaster - and with no end in sight. I thought offshore drilling was OK. Not anymore. No idea it was possible to cause this much damage.

Mr. P.

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Yeh, I hate to see pictures of oil-soaked birds, in particular.


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