"ET Go Home" may very well be our cries for salvation ...

Seldom does Mediawingnuts announce an upcoming Discovery Channel special, but this one may be VERY special!
British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.
Hawking claims in a documentary that will be shown in Britain next month--and in the US a little later (hopefully)--intelligent alien lifeforms almost certainly exist, but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."
The 68 year-old scientist says a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."
Note: We humanoid inhabitants of planet earth are the equivalent of the "Native Americans" referred to by Dr. Hawking.
He (Dr. Hawking) speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonise."
I, for at least one, will be looking forward to this (likely extraordinary) Discovery Channel special presentation. Maybe that was what the Rev. Billy Graham and our Presibent were praying about this morning. No doubt, the president was given a special viewing of the Stephen Hawking interview.
Yes, we should all pray for our President and our country ... and our planet and ALL of its inhabitants!

As most of us became aware earlier today, President Obama had his first meeting with the Reverend Billy Graham this morning, stopping at the Blue Ridge Mountains retreat of the 91-year old super-evangelist on his way to West Virginia to eulogize the 29 coal miners who died there.
Quoting from the White House spokesman, "The President had a private prayer and conversation with Rev. Graham; he (President Obama) is extraordinarily gratified that he took the time to meet with him."
Graham issued a statement after the meeting, saying "I am pleased to have had President Obama in my home this afternoon. I want to encourage Christians everywhere to pray for our president and for all those in positions of authority and especially for the men and women serving in our military."
Mediawingnuts can't add much to that, but I believe our prayers should also go out to all of those (civilians, military, enemy or ally) suffering in the wars that our tax dollars help to sustain -- particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Evil? Good? Who are we mere mortals to judge?
The Photo at the Bottom of This Posting Brings me 99.999% Closer to Endorsing ID over Evolution Theory's Problems.
Artist's Rendition of the Bacteria Flagellum
In 2004, when Dembski debated Professor Niall Shanks (at UCLA) he displayed a different image of a bacteria flagellum (shown below). Unlike the image at the head of this posting, the one shown below is neither an artist’s rendition, nor a schematic theoretical model; it is a “real” electron-microscopic composite of photographically obtained images.
I have generally found the “poster child” for Intelligent Design arguments (the bacteria flagellum) to be compelling from about the time I first read Michael Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box, the photograph below has taken me even further into realizing that Evolution Theory doesn’t quite tell the “whole story.”
Who designed this little bugger if not an all-powerful Creator?
Composite Photo of the Bacterial Flagellum
Is this what awaits us in 2012? Maybe the apocalyptic 2012 prophesies of the crackpots are true!
Glenn Beck has hit the big time! He's on the cover of Newsmax and just today becomes a Poster Child for Mediawingnuts!
I guess Americans still go for clowns, noisy rants and part-time bigots over genuine news. Sad, but apparently true. Would you believe that Glenn Beck’s TV show on Fox Cable News (and radio) has been breaking records — attracting more than 3 million viewers a night since it lowered the morality ratings of Cable TV in general when it premiered in January.
Besides all else, he’s the only author ever to have a No. 1 New York Times best-seller in the fiction, nonfiction and paperback fiction categories. I might understand fiction, but what is non-fiction about his fantasies and boring little blackboard?
The only positive side to this is that a Palin-Beck Republican ticket might wake enough Americans up so as to return to Obama's "hope and change" message of 2004.
Yesterday, I was asking "Why?" Today, the question is "Who????"
Who the blazes is Butler? Butler Smith? Butler Jones? Butler Butler?
Although my heart goes out to the Bulldogs, my money is on Duke for tomorrow night!
A more interesting question than "Who the blazes are the Butler Bulldogs?" is why the limit of the ratios of the last two Fibonacci Numbers in a sequence is scattered all over nature ... and possibly beyond. I was hoping someone at FSU (in the Physics Department perhaps) might have a thought while staring at the light switch in the lab office.
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