Obama Meets the "Enemy" on its Turf (Not exactly Daniel in the Lions Den, but ...)
Obama Facing Off with the Republican Representatives
In an unprecedented face-off with many of the House Republicans, President Obama continued to set the tone on Friday (from his earlier State of the Union Speech) for his second year in office. Among other things, he accusing them of derailing his health care overhaul while they complained about being shut out of the political process. Basically, just saying "no!" isn't a reasonable interpretation of being "shut out."
The president's appearance at an annual retreat for House Republicans was intended to be a gesture of bipartisanship. Instead, it devolved surprisingly into a blunt exercise in political finger-pointing, defensiveness and (as of today, continuing) gamesmanship. The Republicans are still twirling in dizzying circles as they continue to play their "game" without rules or protocol.
Obama properly and clearly defended his policies and accused Republicans of distorting his positions for political gain. He obviously was especially critical of the GOP's efforts to derail the health care overhaul bill in Congress.
"You'd think this was some Bolshevik plot," Obama said. "That's how some of you guys presented this."
And he argued forcefully that constant political attacks on his agenda had almost robbed the GOP of any opportunity to contribute.
"What happens is that you guys don't have a lot of room to negotiate with me," Obama said. "The fact of the matter is, many of you, if you voted with the administration on something, are politically vulnerable in your own base, in your own party . . . because what you've been telling your constituents is, 'This guy's doing all kinds of crazy stuff that's going to destroy America.' "
The exchange went for 90 minutes -- longer than scheduled.
"I'm having fun," Obama said at one point.
His opening remarks rang a bell or two with me--having been either unemployed or underemployed since 30 June 2009.
He (Obama) began by urging bipartisanship and cooperation in a manner similar to his State of the Union address Wednesday night. "I don't believe the American people want us to focus on our job security. They want us to focus on their job security," Obama said to a surprisingly notable applause.
Though some in the room compared the scene to the biblical tale of Daniel entering the lion's den, the outcome was less dramatic. Republicans did not leave the room purring like kittens, and some were totally unimpressed with the president's attempt to engage them.
"I think the president could be a little more diplomatic," Rep. Gingrey said. "The president reacts a little too much."
The House Republican leader, Rep. John A. Boehner of Ohio, was more effusive after the exchange. "I thought the dialogue went very well," Boehner said. "We want to continue to find common ground."
The GOP and their Talking Heads on Fox News Replying (as best they could) to Obama on the Next Day and into this Morning's Sunday Morning Talk Shows
It Ain't Over Till It's OVER!!!
The Scene for Universal Health Care (The SSS American Health) as Portrayed on Tuesday Evening
Despite all of the blabber on Tuesday night and again yesterday on Fox Cable News, I'm reminded of that great political philosopher and New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra who once said “It ain’t over till it’s over.”
Let's face it!
Health care is a right; a birthright, a human right and a moral right. Why shouldn’t we all share in the cost of health care for everyone? Everyone in this country could have health care, with less cost to the taxpayers, if corporate profit is eliminated.
Go ahead and call it Socialized Medicine, but Jesus Christ of Nazareth would agree that we have the best resources, technology, physicians, facilities, medicines and medical equipment--but it’s not accessible for everyone. I believe that Jesus said something along the lines of, "everyone should be able to receive quality care regardless of one’s status in life or ability to pay."
Didn't He?
People like my brother should NOT be driven to bankruptcy because of long term health problems. The emergency room or the Free Clinic should not be the only health care for those who are not working, or those who simply are unable to afford health insurance. It's estimated by doctors at the Harvard Medical School and recent statements by the AMA that as many as 100,000 people die annually because they cannot afford health care. About half die because they do not have health insurance and the other half die because their health insurance provider will not pay for the care they need to survive.
The reason health care costs are so high in America is because it’s driven by PROFIT. The health insurance companies’ sole purpose is to make money. Their profit holds more importance than a human being’s life. They answer to their shareholders and CEO’s, not to us, their policy holders. Why should capitalism be involved in health care?
Let’s hope the people who have the power, our Congress, will be driven by care and compassion to do what’s best (and the only Christian option) for all Americans ... health care for EVERYONE. Do they have the will to provide everyone with their birthright, their human right and their moral right?
I surely hope so!
Yogi once says, "It ain't over till it's over!" ... and more recently (in unpublished comments to Mediawingnuts as he's nearing 85 years old) ... "So get with it Mr. President and start kicking that do-nothing Congress's ass!"
My last couple of postings seem so trite and meaningless today ... I'm a "believer," but scenes like this make me wonder ...
In Front of the General Hospital Today -- Four Days Later!
But maybe Our Lord sees the bigger picture and the sad horror of so many, like the "living dead" in Port-au-Prince, Haiti ... have at least made our US political skirmishes over Health Care and that stupid special election in Massachusetts ... seem trivial and meaningless by comparison.
What we can do, aside from praying for these dear people is to--simply put--save and make more comfortable as many lives as is possible under the circumstances. Ignore Rush Limbaugh's hateful statements about President Obama's "using" the earthquake to "solidify his core African American constituency" (restating words spoken by a member of Congress on the floor of the House of Representatives) or even worse, referring to our using our 82nd Airborne (now helping out in Haiti) as using our hardened soldiers as a "meals on wheels" (said derisively). Limbaugh makes it easy to believe in Satan and his demons infecting easy targets like Rush.
Pat Robertson's senile comments about "slaves in Haiti [having] made a pact with the devil"--thus causing this earthquake two hundred years later are surely being ignored by Christians and non-Christians alike, thank God. We close our ears to the madmen who can't see the sadness surrounding the death and destruction unfolding on our television sets.
Instead, let's set aside religious and political differences and do what we all can--as three of our Presidents have suggested--to provide the simplest of necessities (food, water, shelter and medical supplies) to these beautiful people in Haiti. The three past and present Presidents shown below are recommending that we all come together and donate what we can through the website that was provided at the bottom of the screen as the three of them pleaded us all to help.
Through the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, they have promised that they will collectively "... work to provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. We will channel the collective goodwill around the globe to help the people of Haiti rebuild their cities, their neighborhoods, and their families."
"We ask each of you to give what you can to help ensure the people of Haiti can build back stronger and better than ever."

Maybe My Daughter Who Writes Novels Might Try a Screenplay .... Disaster Movies Are Always In Vogue!
The Perfect Idea For a Disaster Movie!
My previous posting suggesting that my one daughter who's into writing might use my suggested storyline is already outta date. Palin's having joined Fox News (including her recent interviews with the likes of O'Reilly and Beck) have provided more than one excellent thought for a disaster movie. All they need in Hollywood is a clever screenplay written by a brilliant author from ... say ... some city located in one of the upper Northwestern states of our badly-in-need-of-disaster-movies country! 2012, although stuffed with great graphics, lacked a good storyline; A Beck-Palin -- or a Palin-Beck -- America is a great storyline, but the graphics of our foreign policy alone might earn such a movie an "XXX" rating.
Go for it, Serenissima!
One of my Daughters is Looking for the Perfect Storyline for Her First Best-selling Novel

Can You Imagine a "Hillary-Sarah" Candidacy Should Barack Decide to Step Aside and Let the Cracks in the Glass Ceiling Have Their Say?
After all, the Presidential Election process is only two years away and Barack Could nominate himself to become the Ambassador to the UN ... my daughter is capable of concocting a reason for him to do that in her first chapter--low Obama poll ratings, a substantial increase in ambassadorial salaries, Helen Thomas puts on the heat at press conferences, etc.
Under those circumstances, Hillary would instantly be able to swing her high standings in the polls to become the first female Democrat Nominee to become President of the United States. Besides her own excellent qualifications, her husband is often referred to as "Saint William" of past pleasant memories--the elders among you may remember that he left office with a balanced budget.
But there is a problem! Without a populist as her running mate, she could never beat the up-and-comin'-t'-git-ya Sarah Palin in the forthcoming (in the novel, of course) elections. But shock! Well-written, novel-plausible shock! Sarah (the Rogue, remember) switches parties and becomes a surprise Democrat in a prolonged season of dramatic and surprise party switches and ... well, I'll let my daughter finish the story.
She'd surely weave a subplot around Todd Palin inviting Bill, Monica and Chelsea to share his bobsled's seating space in an upcoming bobsled race and ... oh hell, I'm giving away my daughter's best-selling novel ...
Interestingly, if anything were to prevent Barack Obama from running in 2012 (God forbid), a Hillary-Michelle ticket could presumably (admittedly, with very low probability) emerge from a hotly contested primary season. I think I even prefer my daughter's upcoming novel's storyline to the all too possible real-world events that are at least in the realm of low probability events during the next two years.
Brit Hume speaks the truth as he gives Tiger Woods incredibly positive advice--and is excoriated for it!
Brit Hume On Fox News on Sunday
Brit Hume reminded Tiger that his Buddhist friends won't forgive him, but Jesus Christ will--in an instant.
Of course Fox News and Brit Hume have both been slammed hard for using the "J" word on public television--accusing them/him of proselytizing for Christianity. I thought Brit's response to Bill O'Reilly (on his "Factor" last evening) as regards that accusation was so powerful that it is worth quoting. When Bill O'Reilly asked him whether he thought he had crossed the line, Brit replied:
I don't think so. I mean, look, Tiger Woods is somebody I've always rooted for as a golfer and as a man. I greatly admired him over the years, and I always have said to people it was the content of his character that made him, beyond his extraordinary golf skills, so admirable.
Now we know that the content of his character was not what we thought it was. He is paying a frightful price for these revelations. I – my sense is that he has basically lost his family, and there's a lot of talk about the endorsements he's lost. But that pales, I suspect, in his mind, with what he's lost otherwise.
And my sense about Tiger is that he needs something that Christianity, especially provides and gives and offers. And that is redemption and forgiveness.
And I was – I was really meaning to say in those comments yesterday more about Christianity than I was about anything else. I mentioned the Buddhism only because his mother is a Buddhist and he has apparently said that he is a Buddhist. I'm not sure how seriously he practices that.
But I think ... I think that ... Jesus Christ offers Tiger Woods something that Tiger Woods badly needs.
He continued with ...
It has always been a puzzling thing to me. The Bible even speaks of it, that, you know, you speak the name, "Jesus Christ," and I don't – and I don't mean to make a pun here, but all hell breaks loose. And – and it has always been thus. It is explosive.
Well, let me be as courageous as Brit was. Tiger Woods: Listen to Brit's good (eternity saving) recommendation. Ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness and repent of the sad compulsions of your past few years.
Take it from someone who's been there! Your life--and maybe even your marriage--will explode in beauty and the Light of God at your acceptance of Jesus Christ of Nazereth as your Savior. And while you're at it, replace the picture below in Vanity Fair with something along the lines of my previous posting.
Vanity Fair's February 2010 Cover Should Be Replaced by Richard's 'Sweetheart' ... in Drag!!
Sweetheart in drag!
Who said that Sweetie couldn't dress in drag just because she's a "she"?
Okay, okay ... I can't lie! This is just a mutt named Rover from down the street who agreed to dress up like Sweetheart for one picture--but only as a favor to me and in commemoration of her (Sweetheart's) new pink sweater. I think it was given to her by her Aunt Nancy in Leisure World--Sweetie's new home since September or so.
Mediawingnuts Five Major Predictions for 2010

1. ...Children (in general) will continue to being not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.
2. ...Many in our population will continue to not having a place to call home.
3. ...Some of our youth will continue to get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do from positive role models.
4. ...Ten percent (or greater) of our workforce who, like myself, are ready, willing and able to work will not find decent jobs.
5. ...Our elderly (Mediawingnuts is 75) will continue to not being cared for properly--either financially or medically.
Then again, Armageddon will probably begin after a Republican sweep in November and some of us (Democrats, Libertarians, etc.) will be raptured to a better place.
Happy New Year!!
Hmmm... Notice that I left out any mention of Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe Armageddon will wait until 2011 or
2012! ...
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