Saturday, January 16, 2010

My last couple of postings seem so trite and meaningless today ... I'm a "believer," but scenes like this make me wonder ...

In Front of the General Hospital Today -- Four Days Later!

But maybe Our Lord sees the bigger picture and the sad horror of so many, like the "living dead" in Port-au-Prince, Haiti ... have at least made our US political skirmishes over Health Care and that stupid special election in Massachusetts ... seem trivial and meaningless by comparison.

What we can do, aside from praying for these dear people is to--simply put--save and make more comfortable as many lives as is possible under the circumstances. Ignore Rush Limbaugh's hateful statements about President Obama's "using" the earthquake to "solidify his core African American constituency" (restating words spoken by a member of Congress on the floor of the House of Representatives) or even worse, referring to our using our 82nd Airborne (now helping out in Haiti) as using our hardened soldiers as a "meals on wheels" (said derisively). Limbaugh makes it easy to believe in Satan and his demons infecting easy targets like Rush.

Pat Robertson's senile comments about "slaves in Haiti [having] made a pact with the devil"--thus causing this earthquake two hundred years later are surely being ignored by Christians and non-Christians alike, thank God. We close our ears to the madmen who can't see the sadness surrounding the death and destruction unfolding on our television sets.

Instead, let's set aside religious and political differences and do what we all can--as three of our Presidents have suggested--to provide the simplest of necessities (food, water, shelter and medical supplies) to these beautiful people in Haiti. The three past and present Presidents shown below are recommending that we all come together and donate what we can through the website that was provided at the bottom of the screen as the three of them pleaded us all to help.

Through the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, they have promised that they will collectively
"... work to provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. We will channel the collective goodwill around the globe to help the people of Haiti rebuild their cities, their neighborhoods, and their families."

"We ask each of you to give what you can to help ensure the people of Haiti can build back stronger and better than ever."


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we all donate our time and money and prayer time or all of the above if they can do it, we would be O.K. From LMD of Ocean Shores


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