Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Currently Ongoing Obama-Cheney "Debate" : "Who would Jesus bomb" ... or maybe "Who would Jesus torture?" ... an empty debate, no?

The above graphic summarizes and recaps just about all of the empty back-and-forth idiocy I've heard from both Barack Obama and Dick Cheney. They argued seemingly opposing views as to just what policies would keep America safe from terrorism in the months and years ahead. How "harsh" should harsh interrogations really be? Should we spend more time bombing Iraq or Afghanistan--and what about Iran and Pakistan while we're at it?

Having worked in a medium-to-maximum security penitentiary for almost three years now, I have to wonder why either Cheney or P-BO have so little faith in our "Super-Max" Federal Penitentiaries. But then, closing or not closing Gitmo was hardly the main issue.

What was truly sad about our leadership during 9/11 and recently afterwards--and even now as the action in Afghanistan heats up--is that both the previous administration and the Obama administration have been continuing to propagate continuing fear instead of trust, love and resolve to submit to "The Way" of Jesus in the face of danger.

Who would Jesus torture?

Who would Jesus bomb"

Who would Jesus even aim a weapon towards?

Answer: NO ONE!!

Even the concept of Christians going to war should have ended instantly after Jesus rebuked Peter for even trying to protect the Son of God. (You remember--after Peter sliced off the ear of one of Jesus' Roman captors)

Whatever happened to "love thine enemies" and "Do unto [all] others as you would have them do onto you"?

Exactly to whom do we owe allegiance anyway" Our country? Our families? The flag (or God-forbid, a flag pin)? The almighty dollar? ... or should we truly owe our allegiance to a King and His Kingdom? Jesus gave us the answer in no uncertain words. A man cannot serve two masters! Giving unto Caesar that which is Caesar's never implied breaking God's Laws in the process, did it? Let's all wake up to the reality of the unending now and the Eternal King whose sad eyes watch the carnage we have kept unending since the time of Cain.


At 5:24 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

Why are we discussing the Obama-Cheney debate when Susan Boyle is in hiding?

At 5:25 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

An empty debate? Or an empty tomb?

At 5:25 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

Sorry about G.M.
G (e) M

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would Jesus bomb? Probably the mayor of Parma, Ohio.

Siempre dulce,


At 10:51 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Susan Boyle is human. What a surprise!

Listening (still ongoing) to the Obama-Cheney "debate" makes one sick to the stomach. Neither would either ever do as "Jesus would do" in my hunble [sic] opinion.

God bless the human race!



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