Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Biden's and Palin's stocks rise as rumors mount that Rod Blagojevich and Barack Obama will step aside in plea deal

I never had sex with that man!

As rumors continue to fly regarding the "play for pay" scandal unfolding in Illinois, the key question arises: Who becomes the "President-Elect" if Barack Obama confesses to having agreed to pay off Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich with a low level, but high paying, cabinet position in return for Blagojevich agreeing to name Obama's choice to fill his own (now vacated) senate seat? Did I hear someone mention "Senator" Michelle Obama?

If that revelation negates the November 4 election, would Biden still be considered the Vice President-Elect, or would Sarah Palin (who would have been the Vice President-Elect had the American people known of the nefarious Obama-Blagojevich deal) pop into the picture.

This is truly a confusing dilemma for the Democrats in Illinois--and the rest of America!

Who will our next president be? Sarah? ... or Joe?

Remember ... you heard it first right here on mediawingnuts!!!


At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uncle Joe,

You know I'm a dog, right? But I love that fuckin' Obama.

Always stay sweet,


At 2:59 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

Uncle Joe,
I want hot legs Palin, even if the Enquirer is the only paper she reads.


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