Friday, October 17, 2008

Both John McCain and Barack Obama owe this poor soul an apology, I believe ...

Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher (a.k.a. "Joe the Plumber")

Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama did this poor soul any favors. As it turns out, he is neither a licensed plumber nor did he earn $250,000 so as to be earning too much to be eligible for Barack Obama's "tax cut for the middle class." And the company that he wishes to buy is owned by a person who is also not a licensed plumber--although that is among the services performed by the company.

To add fire to the storm swirling about this (until the last debate) anonymous soul, he also owes back taxes and is having his wages garnished for not having paid a hospital bill--obviously not covered by insurance that is included in both McCain's and Obama's proposed health plans.

And to add to his woes, he compared Barack Obama to Sammy Davis Jr. as a "tap dancer" when providing CBS Evening News with his views of Barack's tax plan as "Socialistic."

If I looked even vaguely like a bigoted skinhead, I would have made sure I was aware of a couple of tap dancers such as Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly--or even Richard Gere--before popping Sammy Davis Jr.'s name onto CBS Evening News.

I suspect that the McCain campaign (and Barack's too, for that matter) will hide "Joe" and this entire event until after November 5, 2008.


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