Thursday, August 14, 2008

Maybe Mr. Edwards' love-child or Hillary's name being included in the roll-call vote in two weeks aren't the most earth-shattering news events!

Peeking behind page one of the Daily World (our local rag in Grays Harbor County), I realize that some little things are happening in our world that escaped my notice while I was dipping my toes in the cold surf in York, Maine and rushing about this week trying to get my classes caught up after a ten day vacation.

Yeh, little things like a possible reawakening of the Cold War over what appears to be an all-out invasion of one of our staunchest Iraqi Allies (Georgia) by Russia, the likely ouster one of our staunchest head-of-state "friends," President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan (the only Muslim nuclear power) and our announcement of the placement of missiles in Poland--probably related to Mr. Putin poking Mr. Bush in the chest in response to our "insisting" that he remove Russian troops from Georgia.

All of these are discussed in your headlines and throughout Google's tentacles, but ignored almost entirely by Mediawingnuts as the Edwards affair and the Democratic Convention occupied my feeble mind for two weeks.

What else is happening that I happened to miss?

Where is Planet X this evening?


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Yikes! No wonder we're focusing on the flotsam and jetsam newstories like Edwards' affair...less scary than the stuff that matters.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Agreed! Chalk me up as a little scared to turn on NPR this week.


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