Monday, August 11, 2008

It's been said that race is likely to be the "ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM" during the Democratic Convention ... but think again ...

Take a closer look, Mr. O.; it ain't the color of your skin ... it's Hillary who will be the "elephant in the room" in Denver!

The picture might be a rather Freudian view of Hillary as the elephant, but ... oh well, it's in the can, so they says!

There really is no way today to predict what might or might not happen in early November. Between Obama's skin color (sadly true) and his shabby treatment of Hillary (sadly true), the November election will either be a 100-plus electoral vote victory for John McCain or a crapshoot if Mr. McCain drools too noticeable during the debates.

But as for the Convention in two weeks ... that's easy to predict: A Clinton bonanza footnoted with a grandiose Baramoration before God-know-how-many adoring fans in Mile High Stadium. Basically, between Michelle Obama's likely excellent tone-setter on Day One and Mr. O's "we is the change, baby!" display of narcissism on Day Five, there will be ample time for Hillary (Day Two now) to get down to brass tacks and issues--she will be introduced by Chic Chelsea, I've heard--and Bill (Day Three or Four, I guess) to attempt to reawaken America to its serious situation--thus far hidden by the empty rhetoric spewing from the empty suit and our infatuation with the historical nature of Mr. O's skin color.

But the Clintons' messages will be of little avail.

Oh yes, the Clintons will have their faces in front of America, and some might even listen, but the attention of most Americans throughout the week will be on Day Five and The One!

Anyone who even half follows politics knows that John McCain has already pulled into a dead heat with Mr. O only two weeks after the Barama-bomb's amazing (and it was good in every way) Middle Eastern and European tour.

The Democratic Convention will leave the polls still looking too close to call and after that, it will be up, up and away for the wrinkly white-haired guy with Paris Hilton's energy plan.

Those damnable Keys to the White House will be the ultimate winner ... and maybe Hillary who will have an opportunity to try to hold Mr. McCain to a single term come 2012.

On the other hand ... there's always the unexpected events that have marked 2008 from the git-go. What next?


At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wolfson is saying that Edward's lying about his affair cost Hillary the nomination. The convention could be interesting.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

The convention will be less interesting than "revelationary" vis-a-vis the American people (most of whom who haven't followed the primary season one whit) who will see the narcissism of Mr. O up front and close during the final night's oration.

I predict that he will lose the election on that night. November will be simply a formality.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

I was a Hillary supporter too. But Obama won fair and square so we need to focus on the real goal - getting those crooked GOPers out of power.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Sadly, Serenissima, you are correct. I've been so angry at the continuing grandiosity of Mr. O that I've lost sight of the bigger picture.

We have to rid Washington of the GOP crooks first and then begin to straighten our own (progressive) house.

Unfortunately, Russia is playing into McCain's "strong Suit," so to speak, and his win in November will be even bigger than I thought it might be.

Hopefully, the Democrats will hold leads in both houses of Congress after November and a kind of coalition government with McCain playing the role of moderator will emerge as we slither and slide toward 2012.


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