Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lighten up, Mr. Obama ... take a cue from the Clintons!

Wipe that smug look of disdain off of your face, Mr. O.!

Listening to your recent speeches on just about anything lately (energy, the economy ... even John McCain's joking about your celeb status) makes me realize how much you need to lighten up a bit. This may be getting to the point where you REALLY need the Clintons more than they need you. The "Keys" are definitely turning towards John McCain since about the time you returned from your unassisted three-pointer with our young troopers in the gymnasium in the Middle East.

I'd suggest you ask Hillary (or Bill, if you don't like "asking" a woman) while the asking is still an option. I think that the scene on the podium in Denver in front of upwards of maybe 250,000 adoring Democrats (plus millions more watching the scene on TV) will be a lot more exciting with the Clintons at your side than, say, Joe Biden or Sam Nunn. So would the two months running up to November! I was hoping you'd make it at least close for those of us who enjoy horse races.

On the other hand, if you do it "your way," you might actually have a shot at getting in the White House (as Hillary's VP pick) in 2012. Hmm ... maybe you're only appearing to be a poor campaigner ... deliberately looking unelectable and somewhat stupid ... like a fox!

Take a cue from the Clintons and smile more!


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