Friday, February 15, 2008

Why I just might break ranks with the Democrats and go with proven DNA ... if I live to be 100 or so!

Admiral John S. McCain Sr.

Admiral John S. McCain II

John McCain's grandfather, John Sidney McCain, Sr. (top photo) was a full Admiral in the United States Navy, and was notable as a commander of the Fast Carrier Task Force in World War II. His son John S. McCain, Jr. (second photo above) was also a full admiral (the only father-son pair of full admirals in US history), and my boss while I was at CINCPAC back in the late 60's. He was the one who arranged for me to serve him (and CINCPAC) at Tan Son Nhut Airbase in Saigon (69-70) as part of the SEEK DATA II group--who counted and analyzed [sic] the BDA "blips and dots" from reconnaissance photos taken from hundreds of reconnaissance flights as part of Commando Hunt and other notable air campaigns in support of our overall efforts.

I would ultimately retire as a civilian with the US Air Force--largely thanks to the Old Man's bringing me into the Government at that time. Senator McCain's father was affectionately known as "the Old Man" by his staff for my full stint with CINCPAC.

The original John S. McCain's grandson, Senator John McCain III, was also a naval officer, (retired Navy Captain)--and was in the Hanoi Hilton (sadly, that was when he was a POW) for the full time that I worked for his father and I well remember how his son's name was never to be mentioned in the Old Man's presence. Of course, young "Johnny" is now the self-same U.S. Senator from Arizona who is hoping to ... well, you know the rest of that story all too well, don't you?

But anyway, to bring it full cycle, all three of those John McCains attended the United States Naval Academy, where Admiral John McCain the First's great-grandson, John S. (Jack) McCain IV, continued the tradition as the fourth in the line of John Sidney McCains.

Maybe the time will be ready for a McCain in the White House in another twenty-five years when John S. McCain IV has reached the age of maturity.

Do you think ...? Yes, I might well vote for a McCain in my lifetime ... sometime after President Michelle Obama and a couple of her predecessors have solved the deplorable poverty situation in America and even possibly extricated us from Iraq ... uhhh ... maybe!


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