Sunday, February 24, 2008

For Barack Obama, Nicorettes are a gigantic leap forward!

From This only One Year Ago

To This (although on Nicorettes) Today!

A very close friend of mine (and a fellow UFOs-and-Government-coverup junkie) was concerned when he learned (from me) that Barack Obama had been a smoker at the outset of the Presidential Campaign. He worried aloud whether this was a good image for a president and also whether his health should be an issue--the implication being that smoking is bad for your health, etc., etc., etc.

Well, it's been about exactly a year since Barack put down his last Marlboro--or so we are told--and in that time, he has taken up Nicorettes and admits (as of last week) that he's still chewing Nicorettes after a year. He's hoping to be able to come "down" off of Nicorettes, but the grueling campaign has made that difficult for now.

My prayers are with Obama in this effort. I've been there (in my case it was worse than cigarettes) and know how difficult "cold turkey" can be under the duress of stress, so to speak. His children and lovely wife will be the real beneficiaries if he is able to kick the dirty little habit for good.

It would also be good for the country if Bill Clinton and John McCain were able to kick their habits also. We need no "dirty little secrets" in the White House, that's for sure!

Just for the record, smoking is an "acceptable" habit in my books.


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