Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I did not have sex with that woman!

In all honesty, I don't see the gigantic stir that McCain's [possible] former love life might be causing, but my brother Richard in Connecticut seems to think that this is the BIG ONE!

My personal take on Vicki Iseman is that she is a whole lot more of a catch than Monica Lewinsky ever was and McCain's having dumped his first wife for the money (a.k.a. his second wife, the beer heiress) to get into politics should have been ample warning to Republicans anyway.

The long and short of it all is that he certainly doesn't need a good-looking telecommunications lobbyist (Vicki Iseman, above right) when he has the whole enchelada (below).


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with you for the most part, Dr. Joe. Although I have no interest in and don't care about what John McCain does in his bedroom, if he was cheating on Ms. Cindy with a lobbyist it does show further evidence of his lack of character. After all, he cheated on his first wife to be with Cindy. If he treats his wife in that manner, how will he treat his constituents?

What is really disturbing, though, is that this story posits that once again John McCain was providing political "favors" to a lobbyist in exchange for Paxson Communication corporate plane rides, campaign contributions (again), and possibly more. McCain's behavior was completely inappropraite for a Senator. Quite frankly, I am tired of politicians like McCain abusing the authority of their elected office and the trust of the American public. How many more Savings and Loan/Paxson Communications scandals will the public find out about?

Do we really want another President that is willing to sell the Oval Office to the highest bidder?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

You're right about his bedroom or public restroom cubicle dalliances. They are of little concern at this point compared with his Senatorial exploits ... on the floor of the Senate, for the most part.

Still, it's fun to watch him sweat a little under the circumstances. Of course, Democrats have abused the power of their offices about as often as Republicans and we should be fair in the longer run in that regard.




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