Friday, September 28, 2007

Twelve Year Old Takes on GWB

Graeme Frost -- Twelve Year Old Will Respond Tomorrow to Likely Presidential Veto

A twelve year old boy who received life-saving care through U.S.-subsidized health insurance will speak for the Democrats tomorrow in their response to President George W. Bush's weekly radio address. yup, the Democrats chose Graeme Frost of Baltimore, instead of one of their typical talking heads to argue for expansion of a kids' health-care program. This might be the camel that breaks the straw's back if President Bush truly goes ahead with his promised veto. It's one thing for him to accidentally go into war and cause thousands of American soldiers to die; it's quite another to turn on our nation's children. Which Republican candidates actually choose to support the President against our children will be an interesting political drama, I think.

Just guessing of course, but I predict that Fred Thompson and John McCain will choose to side with the President against the American kids. The Iraq War simply needs the money more, in their opinions, I believe. Giuliani and Romney, on the other hand, will throw their weight behind the kids and their need for health care, I believe ... but we'll just have to wait and see ...


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