Monday, September 03, 2007

The United States of America (in the eyes of an Iraqi child)

How often do you walk out your front door wondering "will I die today?" Besides seeing images such as those shown in the previous posting just after an air raid onto your village, you have the enduring image of the tools of war, such as the one above. Can you see Jesus in that image?

How do persons of power (e.g., the White House, Congress, senior officers in our military) sit idly by and watch their television sets while the carnage continues? Will there be any benefit to all of what the children of Iraq have to see daily? Well yes, I suppose, for those who are profiting from the war and now have fat military contracts. Yes, for them, life is just fine.

Yes also for the Neocons in our government who see naught but American power in the above photograph and had been salivating at launching this war for all of the years Of the Clinton presidency through about March 2003. And my brother Richard in Connecticut nor I have to remind you that "power" is spelled P-O-W-E-R ... or more clearly spelled O-I-L !!!


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