Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First one "Craig" and then another two day's later. Me? I'll take the second "Craig" hands down (no pun intended) !!!

Craig Venter--all six billion-plus letters of his DNA map!

How this is an accomplishment that beats Senator Larry Craig (R. Idaho) and his tap dance in a men's room stall hands down (no pun intended).

Most of you might not be aware that an American scientist made history over the past week by being the first person to have his entire DNA map published--all six billion characters of it! Like Senator Larry Craig, Craig Venter is totally (and I mean totally) out there to be seen by friends and enemies alike to peruse--if they have the patience and years to peruse six billion characters! It's been called the "ultimate autobiography" by at least one publication (The Ottawa Citizen) and might suggest that Mr. Venter has an ego the size of Fred Thompson's. But not so, say the scientists who decoded his genome. They see the publication as furthering genetics in general and the field of personalized genomics in particular.

As proof, the reports state that although it cost Dr. Venter $10 million to have his genome sequenced, the cost today would only be about (roughly) $100,000.

Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, and television's Larry King are among the notables who have signed up to have their genomes sequenced by companies that say they can do the job for $100,000.

And for the rest of us ... in another ten years or less, the cost will have dropped to about $1000 or even lower.

Way to go, Craig!


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