It may very well be a "November Surprise"!

5th President of Iraq
In office
July 16, 1979 – April 9, 2003
The US-backed Special Tribunal who is trying Saddam Hussein for a number of crimes, including murder and genocide, have indicated that they will delay the verdict of the ongoing trial until November 5 (my birthday, Guy Fawkes Day ... and ... coincidentally ... two days before the Midterm Elections)! Karl Rove has done it again!
This will mean a possible (likely) death sentence and the date is now perfectly situated to have an effect on the US Midterm Elections. It's all legal and very few Americans are unhappy about the fate of the brutal Saddam Hussein and his henchmen.
Think about it! Tom Engelhardt, in his excellent article yesterday, pointed out that the three spikes in the polling figures have been (1) the date of Saddam's capture, (2) the purple finger election and (3) the date that Zarqawi was taken out.
As things seem to be going downhill in a big hurry in Iraq, what could better demonstrate progress than a verdict of "guilty as charged" for Saddam Hussein.
Coincidence? Think about it ... especially the fact that the date had been announced in advance, but only delayed until the last full news day in America before the elections (November 5, 2006) just three days ago -- to get past the Ramadan increase in casualties and the various other distracting news items.
Karl Rove is a genius!!

"Gunpowder Plot" ... against King James I ... nice touch, Karl -- picking both Guy Fawkes Day and Mediawingnuts' birthday .... I'll bet you (Karl Rove) saw "V For Vendetta" recently, didn't you? Yeh .... nice touch!
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