Bill Moyers might get the Democrats to stand up and be ... Democrats!

That's why Bill Moyers (right) should run for President. His presidential bid might accomplish (1), (2) and (3) above for the Democratic Party. No, he won't be the 2008 candidate! ... It will likely be Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Edwards or John Kerry ... but they would at least start to run as true Democrats, both in the primaries ... and further, whoever emerges as the candidate will run also as a true Democrat.
As it stands today, Joe Lieberman will likely be the Senator from Connecticut (probably as an Independent, but possibly as a Democrat), John McCain (a Republican who is a hawk vis-a-vis Iraq) will probably emerge as the favorite Presidential candidate among Democrats -- although certainly not among conservative Republicans, and the Democrats are split on just about everything from embryonic stem cell research to the War/Occupation in Iraq.
I had personally never really heard of Molly Ivins, except as columnist for the Nation (to which I subscribe, of course) ... and never ever thought of her as a leading liberal columnist ... nationwide, but she opened her column this week with, "Dear desperate Democrats." She goes on to suggest that the Democratic party run Bill Moyers (whom we all know as a true liberal and a genuine caring human being) during the upcoming 2008 Presidential campaign.
She admits that he wouldn't even win the primaries, let alone the general election, but describes how he would bring honor and integrity to the debates leading up to the Democratic Convention. Hurrah to Molly Ivins for such a marvelous idea!
How could persons like Hillary or John (either John) or Al waffle on such important issues as foreign policy and the dozen other issues about which the Democrats seem split in nine to hundred pieces ... with Bill Moyers sitting at the table during the debates?
You got it! Maybe we have a chance yet. Bill: do your party a favor and start campaigning early enough to have a war chest large enough to get on at least some of the early primary ballots.
The neocons can be beaten -- even if they are able to bring about more war and mayhem, which always favors the party in power. Even my brother, Richard from Connecticut, would like to see the Democrats stand for ... something!
Go for it!
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