Gee ... How could anyone vote against this woman?

I never really liked Katherine Harris after she did all in her power -- even taking her case to the Supreme Court -- to stop the hand counting of the ballots back in 2000 when Al Gore beat George Bush for the Presidency, only to have the hand count stopped short and GWB enthroned. At that time, she was Florida's Secretary of State and has since become a US Congresswoman. Of course, she is now campaigning for the upcoming (voting already started a couple of days ago) primary to become her party's candidate for the US Senate. She's come a long way ...
But hey, that was then and now is now ... and well, I may be in my seventies, and she may have her feet in the stirrups improperly, but she certainly makes a fine looking member of the House of Representatives. I have to ask myself, who could vote against this woman? Who could vote against her, that is, ... if she only were honest, intelligent and fully committed to defending our laws and our Constitution?
Her most recent remarks to a magazine published by the Florida State Baptist Convention were her final downfall, I think.
Besides stating that the "Separation of church and state is a lie because ... God is the one who chooses our rulers," she also managed to state that "if you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin."
Hey man, I'm a Christian and I find those statements offensive!!!
Besides ... and all of you who know me to be both a tree-hugger and an animal lover would agree ...

Allow me to be a male for one moment, but them are some perky breasts. As I heard on morning television today, the 2006 accessory is breasts. How fitting.
Orhan Khan -
Hmm ... I hadn't noticed. (Lie, lie, lie! ;-) ) Hopefully, people will take a peek inside her head before they mark their ballots -- she's a lightweight bigot through and through ...
MWN (Joe)
She and her perky friends belong in jail.
Serenissima -
Amen! Her crimes of November/December 2000 were of the highest order and her deliberate ignoring of our Constitution still sits ill in my stomach.
MWN (Joe)
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