Bryan Curtis wanted us all to know the effect that smoking had on his life. The picture taken two months before his death and the one taken shortly before he died ... only two months later ... do more to keep me from cigarettes than any book such as the one I wrote about in a previous posting could ever do. Of course, Allen Carr's book is aimed at persons who are addicted to smoking rather than persons who have never smoked.

These pictures should be shown to high school and college students who are the fastest growing group among new smokers.
He was only 33.
I don't think scare tactics work, at least for me they don't. As kids, we think we're going to live forever. As adults we think we'll quit before we get to this guy's situation, then before you know it 40 years go by.
The book does address the health issues related to smoking, as well as the financial issues (smoking is expensive!), but doesn't dwell on them. He does something much more effective, although I still don't understand what.
Richard -
Right! I don't think any "scare" or "fear" tactic would work for someone already addicted. For younger people who haven't started though, it might still work -- whether or not they think they'll live forever.
I ordered Carr's latest book -- something about "stop worrying the easy way." More out of curiosity than anything else.
MWN (Joe)
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