I'm sick and tired of hearing this "If Lamont wins, the Democrats lose!" sort of crap ...
It's gotten so bad that listening to the talk shows on Sunday morning, and again today while driving home from Grays Harbor College, made me wonder if the Hezbollah versus Israel War was synonymous with "Lamont versus Lieberman."
Well, it's not! Yes, the pro-Israel ("beat the living tar out of Lebanon!") gang is standing firm behind Joe Lieberman and yes, the Zionist Lobby (not necessarily bad, but quite powerful) have gotten both Clintons (remember Bill ... he is a former president), Barbara Boxer and nearly every other leading Democrat to line up behind Lieberman ... even threatening those of us who support Ned Lamont with the specter of Lieberman running as a VP candidate on the Republican ticket in 2008. Yeesh!

But ... and this is a large BUT ... I disagree with some of his later stances and alliances in support of the bloodbath in Iraq. Obviously, I support Lamont, but I don't like to be threatened ... by Joe Lieberman or the Democratic Party or anyone!

The latest polls show that Lamont (left, with his wife, Annie), just might win on August 8 in a very close Democrat primary, but they further show that Lieberman will win by a landslide as an Independent in November.
Hey, I'm not happy with that, but I can live with it; it's democracy to the core.
It's only that I truly dislike being threatened -- and I'm not even from Connecticut! My brother, Richard from Connecticut must feel as I do on this, but we haven't discussed this particular issue of late. Last time I talked to him about Joe Lieberman though, I got the idea that he'd probably vote for one of his wife's designer chartreuse-with-fuchsia-stripes drapes over Joe Lieberman in either the primary or the general election. I'll check with him and pass back his take on all of these "threats" and ...
I better stop here, before I get angry.
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