Thermite Evidence is Convincing -- Something isn't Being Told!

Okay, okay ... I know that this posting will label me as some kind of "conspiracy nut," but give me a moment here.
No one would argue that Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaida organization were behind the horror and mayhem of September 11, 2001. However ... there are many, many questions that have yet to be answered to the satisfaction of hundreds of tenured professors from among the scientific community in America, and around the world.
Those of you who happened to watch Hannity and Colmes over the weekend couldn't have missed noticing how quickly they dismissed and cut away from the Emeritus Professor from Minnesota when they realized that he wasn't "teaching" a course in "9-11 Conspiracy" as they had been told by their sources, but was simply organizing a group of scientists who are relooking at the evidence (what's left of it) in light of the findings of Professor Steven Jones of BYU -- a senior professor at Brigham Young University.
And yes, their investigation is uncovering new truths. Most damaging to the "official story" that the towers simply collapsed due to fires in all three (yes three!) buildings at the WTC that terrible day were pools of yellow molten steel found underneath all three buildings. Building Seven -- 47 stories tall -- wasn't even mentioned in the 9-11 Commission Report, by the way, despite excellent video of its perfect vertical collapse and Silverstein's videotaped order to "pull" Building Seven only moments before its collapse. The FEMA report at least mentioned it, but stated that its collapse was not yet explained.
In any event, the scientists working with Professor Jones are finding iron, sulfur, magnesium and potassium -- all characteristic of what is called a "cutting blast" of thermite which cuts through steel quickly and evenly. Of course, thermite is what is used in controlled demolitions.
The only way that thermite could have been present is for it to have been "planted" in the buildings sometime before the three collapses. Clearly, the Al-Qaida flew planes into the buildings prior totheir collapses, but (1) never in the history of large (tall) buildings has their been even one such collapse before we had three in one day and (2) no plane crashed into Building Seven.

Jones isn't just some come-lately. He has had over 40 peer reviewed articles, including articles in Nature and Scientific American.
He used the word "clever" in mentioning the use of thermite because it is composed of aluminum and iron oxide (rust), neither of which require tagging by law, which means it can't be traced back to the original manufacturer of the thermite.
The videos are even more telling in that they show white ash rising from the South Tower (#2) and long streams of dripping liquid metal that seemed (to me) to go on forever in the videotape which I have watched several times.
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