Monday, August 03, 2009

Birth Certificates Can Be Tricky Things to Find. Just Ask Me--Who Has Yet to Obtain His Original (or Even a Copy) from Michigan!

We "birthers" believe that something akin to this (and all of its copies) together with John McCain's coming confession that he's actually Panamanian will put Sarah Palin and Joe Biden in the White House as Joint Tenants in a month or so

Hey, guess who's going to Kenya tomorrow morning (Obama's birthday, Kenyan time) to ... speak at the U.S.-sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum in Nairobi. The question in everybody's minds is: will she also stop by at Barack's birthplace (the "Bethlehem" of Kenya) to smile that special Hillary-was-right-after-all smile. Of course, she will then stop off at the Bureau of Records to pick up Barack Obama's "you-know-what" (his actual Birth Certificate) to insure that it's burned now and forever.

The big question is: What will Hillary have to give to Kenya to get that danged piece of paper--and all of the other documents (newspapers from the early 1960s, copies of the actual birth certificate (not a certification of live birth, which can be used as a substitute) that probably number in the hundreds, or at least as many persons who have had access to it over the past year or so, and heaven knows what else)?

Obama could put the matter to rest by releasing his actual birth certificate, which would show, among other things, the place of his birth and the doctor who performed the birth procedure.

Note: This information is not provided on the Certification of Live Birth.

The Unfortunate Forgery (Not Even an Actual Birth Certificate) Published on Obama's Supporters' Own Websites

Happy Birthday, President-cum-Possibly-Legal-Possibly-Illegal-Alien Obama!!!

Naw, I am pulling your legs ... For myself, I was finally convinced some weeks ago that P-BO is 100% American on the basis of newspaper clippings from both of Honolulu's newspapers. But the birthing conspiracy is just too much fun! :)

Happy Birthday for real President Barack H. Obama!


At 5:40 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

It must be true everything the birthers say. They have impeccable credentials; 1) Gleen Beck; 2) Lou Dobbs; and 3) the Swift Boat boys.
I think they have all won Edward R. Murrow journalism awards. [If they haven't, Uncle Ruppie will print them an award to put on the wall.]
GEM the Sarcastic Mutt

At 5:44 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

Also Gleen Beck, not just Gleen Beck. These Cro-Magnon crackers couldn't find a birth certificate with further than second cousins listed as parents if they tried; the Deliverance theme song comes on when they go to the Courthouse to look at their own "X" marks the spot certificate. [Not to be critical]

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...


I wouldn't know. All the State Of Michigan will give me is an adoption certificate which "may be used in liew of a Birth Certificate." It has to do with maintaining the privacy rights of the birth father.

Now that's creepy! I'd give P-BO a bye on not knowing where he was born--or IF!!

Uncle Joe

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for all your hard work. I always enjoy seeing who is picked and enjoy reading that post.Thanks for explaining all that. I was wondering.

Birth Records


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