Who throws the first stone?
How often have you heard "Execution is too good for him!" or "Let him rot in prison!" or "We need closure!" or "Eliminate them so that they can never kill again!" or ... there are thousands, aren't there?
Well, the State of Washington just a couple of days ago came within hours of executing Cal Brown (under medication for several years for his bipolar condition) for the admittedly heinous crimes of rape, torture and murder of a young woman at SeaTac International Airport 18 years ago.
Fortunately, there are a few who (like Jesus at the well) see the sin as separate from the sinner. We are not all self-righteous politicians and red-necked "average guys" who want harsher and harsher sentences for whatever is the "ugliest or most heinous sins" of the times--whatever century we are living in. Thus the death penalty is drying up in actuality outside of Texas in the United States of America and very much so outside of America.
Sadly though, polls show that most Americans, when asked about it, are more inclined towards the side of the Pharisees and Sadducees of New Testament times. Politicians and prosecutors are not interested in "saving" the lost sheep (a.k.a. sinner), but more interested in sacrificing human life on their own self-righteous pillars of popularity, fear and ... ultimately, votes!
Interestingly, God never gives up prodding the very worst of sinners until they turn back to the love He initiated even before their inception.
Only humans say, "Eliminate them once and for all!"
If I could write I would throw out the first tome.
Always stay sweet,
Is it justice or just us? As a lawyer for 19 years, believe me it's 'just us.'
Oliver threw the first Stone.
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. They did capital punishment on Golgatha, nothing has changed in the intervening 2000 years.
Sadly so ... sadly so ...
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