Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And to think Serenissima regarded the GOP (a.k.a. Sarah Palin) as being "sarcastic, sneering, dishonest" (comment in a recent posting) ...

Yesterday, Sen. Obama disputed the McCain-Palin ticket's "maverick" claim, at one point noting that "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig". An explosion of laughter from his audience on the word 'lipstick' seemed to indicate that many people recalled the punchline of Gov. Palin's convention joke about the difference between a hockey Mom and a pit bull, and thought he was ridiculing her.

The combination of Sen. Obama’s ability to mesmerize a crowd, and Gov. Palin's endearing personality almost-instantaneously aroused both Obama's crowd--who view him as nothing less than a 21st Century Messiah--and the rest of us who are pretty upset.

His intent notwithstanding, how did we all hear it. That is what counts, and I think you will see the results of how they heard it in the coming week--and possibly through till November. I stand by my earlier posting wherein I suggested that there was a narcissistic streak running through Mr. O.'s entire character.

He will likely never apologize simply because he knows that he couldn't say something--even accidentally--that could upset his steamroller-like jaunt towards the Presidency. Just like his non-selection of Hillary three weeks ago!


At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think there's NOT a narcissistic streak running through ANYONE who runs for President of the U.S., you need to keep climbing and get a little better perspective.

Your statement labeling Obama as having a narcissistic streak as if this is some kind of noteworthy information is so naive it's sad.

It is this kind of cluelessness that the Republicans are counting on. I hope they send you handwritten thank-you notes.

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

The "lipstick on a pig" line is an idiom that's been around a long time. There are clips of McCain using this same phrase more than once.

Is the thinking that because Palin used the word lipstick in her speech, she now has exclusive license to that word? Guess Obama will no longer be able to use the words 'hockey', or 'mom' or 'pit-bull' or 'america' or 'mayor' or ...

Just another ridiculous spin from a party that can't bear to discuss issues of importance.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

"issues of importance" include the rights of the unborn, I hope!


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