Saturday, July 12, 2008

The news seems to be escalating in frequency, intensity and power ... yet the one constant (Iran vs. Israel) just might remain the world's #1 story!

From 2004 until 2008 the Israelis play games (aerial wargames) and the Iranians test (possibly future nuclear) missiles

And even as we mourn Tony Snow's passing and the heat of the domestic political rhetoric, pressure for an Israeli (surely not an American, right?) military strike against Iran appears to be growing exponentially--as just about everything else also seems to be growing exponentially (pollution, global warming, worldwide famine and violence, etc.).

But alas, the possibility of violence in the Middle East overshadows all of the other actual and potential catastrophic events, inasmuch as it, more than all of the others, could easily precipitate a nuclear Holocaust.

I think it's about time for both John McCain and Barack Obama to suggest to President Bush that we use our economic and diplomatic energies to put the kabash on both Israel and Iran before all Hades breaks loose over Tehran and Tel Aviv ... and then Baghdad ... Beirut ... Dubai ... (and oh yes) Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Beijing and (uh huh) New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago ...

What did the Book of Revelation call it?

Maybe now is the time for Mr. Bush to sit down with the Israeli and Iranian leadership and take the lead in deescalating all of this foolishness. Left to their own devices, the Jews and Persians would play "chicken" till we are all barbecued.


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