Friday, December 14, 2007

"Well, Hillary, I'm looking forward to you advising me, as well."

Obama returns tit-for-tat!

It was probably the best one-liner--and entirely brought on by Hillary--of all of the debates to date. And yes, as a vice-president (if Hillary should be so lucky), she would be a principle advisor.

When Obama was asked how he was going to enact "change" in America with so many advisors from the Clinton Administration, Hillary popped in with "I want to hear that."

That was when Obama returned with the headline retort, "Well, Hillary, I'm looking forward to you advising me, as well."

... and brought the house down. I now see Obama as a possible long-shot possibility to become the Democratic Presidential nominee.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Ron said...

long shot???

and what planet are you from?

He sealed his fate when he addressed the Democratic Convention.

It's been a bull's run ever since; gaining momentum.

"he don't need no stinkin' advisor"

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

My doctorate's in mathematics (with an extra masters degree in statistics thrown in along the way) and any reasonable analysis of the polls derived from random (I hope!) samples still suggests that Hillary is the most likely winner of the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Obama is exciting and fresh and clearly quite bright--but he certainly will need a "stinkin'" advisor or two if he emerges as President. Hopefully, his ultimate (if he wins) advisors won't lead him to a Bay of Pigs-type fiasco as did John Kennedy's.

My prayers are with all of the candidates (both parties) as the 2008 election draws nearer and the obvious fact of a very turbulent next four years appears more and more inevitable.



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