Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Everyone thought that Fred Thompson's campaign was "dead" ... but Mitt might suggest that it only needs to be "baptized" !!

Baptismal Font at the LDS temple in Salt lake City where "Baptism for the Dead" (e.g., Fred's campaign) had/have often been performed in proxy by the LDS faithful

It might be interesting to ask Mitt Romney exactly what his views are on the Mormon ritual/sacrament of "Baptism for the Dead," don't you think?

For my part, the explanation at the official search engine at suggests that the LDS practice of "Baptism for the Dead" isn't a whole lot different than the prayers I sent "wherever" for souls in Purgatory (when I was a young Roman Catholic) a few decades ago. Many of the rituals and practices of so-called "cults" are actually another way of interpreting scriptures that were penned 2000 years ago. Let's give the Mormons (but not Mitt Romney, heaven forbid) a break on this and a number of other issues, if you please.

This is not an anti-Mormon posting--only one that takes a realistic view of Thompson's continuing campaign wherein he periodically opens one of his eyes and I pop another NoDoz pill.


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