Bush advising Bush ... it's long overdue. Thanks, George H. W. Bush -- one of the greatest in U.S. history, IMHO!

I had the distinct pleasure of serving as a senior scientist for the USAF and then the Political Advisor to the Royal Saudi Air Force during the time that Mr. George H. W. Bush (above right) was leading the country much in the manner of Steady Eddie (to quote ABC News). Walls were falling in Berlin and the then leader of what was called the Soviet Union (remember it?) was under great pressure to stop the Soviet Republics from abandoning the S.U.
Mikhail Gorbachev was not too unlike the present President of Russia (no more S. U.), Vladimir Putin, but now it is George H. W. Bush's son, George W. Bush, who will be sitting with the Russian President during these new and (still) dangerous times.
But wait! Who is it that George W. is finally chatting with before (rather than after as he has so often during his presidency) these important meetings? That's right, he's sitting and listening, I believe, to "Steady Eddie," who guided America through what could have been the most dangerous period in our history.
I remember talking with some of the most senior Princes in Saudi Arabia just after George H. W. Bush turned our troops back from chasing Saddam Hussein back to Baghdad and into the Sunni Triangle. Without an exception, they all felt as though Mr. Bush (the Senior) grasped "history" as no previous President, with the possible exception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
President Bush: Take advantage of the accident of birth to listen, listen, listen during the times you spend with your father!
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