Sunday, February 04, 2007

The evidence is terribly convincing ... Bush and Cheney are eying Iran!

I know that Tehran itself is a fairly modern metropolis, but the war will be something akin to the photo above. Just look at the evidence ...

While the US Congress is squabbling over non-binding resolutions relating to whether we should send an additional 10,000, 21,500, 50,000 (McCain), or no additional troops to Iraq and whether we should get out of Iraq as soon as March 2008, December 2007, within two years or yesterday ... the plans to attack Iran continue unabated.


Read the newspapers and accounts of what is really going on during the past few weeks through this very minute ...

Increasingly dictatorial powers have been accumulating in/at the White House since about the time of the passing of the Patriot [sic] Act. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has played directly into the hands of the Bush Administration by spouting foolish and nonsense-sounding garbage for the past 18 months.

Bush and Cheney have followed his statements and attempts to build a nuclear power capability with a number of threatening moves: (1) USAF tankers have deployed to (you'll never guess!) crazy places like Bulgaria so as to be in position to refuel B-2 Bombers aimed at Iran; (2) two US carrier groups have been deployed to the Persian Gulf; (3) in Davos, Switzerland, the meeting of the World Economic Forum, a conference where economic globalism issues are discussed, opened January 24 with a discussion of Bush's planned attack on Iran; (4) Iran, Bush has declared, is killing US troops in Iraq; thus, Iran is covered under the authorization for a potential war in Iraq; (5) US attack aircraft have been moved to Turkey and other countries on Iran's borders, (6) Patriot anti-missile defense systems are being moved to the Middle East to protect oil facilities and US bases from retaliation from Iranian missiles; (7) the US administration (a.k.a. George W. Bush) will shortly publish a dossier of charges of alleged Iranian subversion in Iraq; (8) a US navy battle group of seven vessels was steaming towards the Gulf yesterday from the Red Sea, part of a deployment of 50 US ships, including the above-mentioned two aircraft carriers, expected in the area within weeks; (9) the Secretary General of the League of Arab States and bankers and businessmen from such US allies as Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates all warned of the coming attack and its catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and the world; (10) growing reams of disinformation alleging Iran's responsibility for the insurgency in Iraq are being fed to the gullible US media -- the most obnoxious being the non-mention of the US's sales/gifts of weapons, etc. to the same militia over the past two years; (11) (and quoted from an article by pat Buchanan) "Tehran is now two weeks into a 60-day deadline to answer a Security Council resolution directing it to cease enriching uranium. While the sanctions are mild, the resolution passed unanimously and gives Bush the UN cover he used to wage war on Iraq. If Iran defies the United Nations, Bush will demand further sanctions. Up the escalator we go."

Buchanan goes on to state: "Bush may be sending signals, but the Israelis are preparing for war. The London Sunday Times reports that Israeli pilots have been making the 2,000-mile run to Gibraltar to train for strikes with bunker-busting nuclear bombs on Iran's heavy water plant at Arak, the uranium hexaflouride facility at Isfahan and the centrifuge cascade at Natanz."


Isn't it about time that we not spend enormous amounts of time looking into the past events that demonstrate that high crimes and misdemeanors have already been committed? Let's take a quick look at the future and, for the love of God ...


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