What's that you were saying about Global Warming, Mr. Bush (and Mr. Limbaugh, et. al.)

This week, the U.N. (as in United Nations!) scientific climate panel said that global warming is both real and man-made! But they went much further in their apocalyptic predictions/statements. The rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere (measured and averaged by SCIENTISTS!) might bring about changes that are, for all practical purposes, irreversible -- or will be within a couple of decades.
It might be worthwhile, Mr. President, if you were to sit and debate the 2,500 scientists from 130 countries who UNANIMOUSLY stated that we are in deep kim chee and that the United States stands at the head of the list of the violators of good ecological/environmental policy as regards GLOBAL WARMING!
When I learned that persons like Mr. Negropante and Ms. Condoleeza Rice are not permitted to even use the two words, "global" and "warming" in the same sentence, I was appalled. What century are you living in Mr. Manic man?
Get real ... before it's too late for your children and grandchildren (at least one is likely now), and mine too!
[quoting from reporting out of Paris meetings: The 21-page summary of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) findings for policy makers outlines wrenching change such as a possible melting of Arctic sea ice in summers by 2100 and says it is "more likely than not" that greenhouse gases have made tropical cyclones more intense. The report predicts a "best estimate" that temperatures would rise by between 1.8 and 4.0 Celsius (3.2 and 7.8 Fahrenheit) in the 21st century, within a likely range from 1.1 to 6.4 Celsius. Temperatures rose 0.7 degrees in the 20th century and the 10 hottest years since records began in the 1850s have been since 1994. Greenhouse gases are released mainly by burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and cars.]
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