Swami Richard sees little change ... he has spoken!

His numbers are:
Democrat 43
Republican 55
Independent 2
(Only change is Lieberman's new affiliation.)
Democrats 202
Republicans 232
Independent 1
(No change at all here.)
Ouch! Hopefully, my inner feeling that the country will react smartly and meet the challenge will override Swami Richard's pessimism.
[Of course, he could be an optimist in a peculiar way, secretly wanting a Republican victory on November 7, although I am 100% positive that my beloved and very bright brother does not want continual carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan and a continual erosion of our liberties and protections from the Bill of Rights over the next two years. I assume he will let us know which it is ... whether he's an optimist or a pessimist -- and how/why ... vis-a-vis his predictions above ... in either a comment to this posting or a posting of his own on Rummy Watch. At least I can assume from his blog that he wants to see the departure of Donald Rumsfeld from his job as Bush's SecDef.]
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