Death only begets death! Please stop the strikes against Gaza!

As most of you know, the entire incident (war?) is related to the murder of a young Israeli, Eliahu Asher (18) and the capture of an Israeli corporal, Gilad Shalit (also, very young). Sound familiar?
Asher and Shalit are shown below and look so very, very young!

But as we are learning in Iraq, the additional Arab and Muslim anger that comes from demonstrating our (and Israel's in the case of what is happening at this minute) superior air power only brings with it more death. The horrid torture, murder and mutilation of our young servicemen last week are only likely to be repeated in either Gaza or the West Bank after the current attacks.
When will mankind learn that anger and frustration are seldom the seeds of humane treatment of hostages and/or peace, in general? Recall that our hostages in Teheran were ultimately released after discussions between President Carter and the Iranian revolutionaries -- although they waited until after Reagan became president as a last slap at Carter.
I pray that the Palestinians will realize that doing harm to Gilad Shalit will only continue the cycle of violence. And yes, I am praying to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that His glorious hand intervene and save this young man.
Please Lord!

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